Mission Objective:
Deliver six hundred cryogenically frozen right-wing, religious colonists to a recently established colony.
After Action Report:

First to wake was Kryten, the service droid. He heard alarms going off in the ship and discovered that the jump drive was on fire.
Swiftly using his vacuum setting on his groinal attachment he was able to put out the blaze but suffered damage when the heat was pulled into his own body.
With the fire extinguished, he attempted to repair the jump drive with zero qualifications or training. Pulling out cable after cable he eventually realised he had made it worse. To cover up his mistake he hid the damaged components in a storage locker and cleaned them up.
Then, seeking someone else to take the responsibility he woke Marvin, another service droid. Who decided the broken jump drive was someone else's problem deciding to wander the ship aimlessly instead.
Waking Ash, then Ripley, Kryten appraised them of the jump drive situation. Ripley tried to fix the jump drive, but not knowing how to, he just welded bits together and hoped for the best.
The jump drive had never been more broken.
Eventually, they all sat down over coffee to discuss their situation. The jump drive had failed six months before the colony they were meant to deliver the colonists to.
They were now stuck orbiting a mysterious planet with a single tide locked moon. A giant ring of dead starships forming a graveyard orbited the main planet in a ring.
Planning to scavenge for jumpdrive components they locate the closest vessel and dock with The Alexis. An archaeological survey ship.

Kryten pilots the ship to dock with The Alexis, latching onto the airlock by the bridge.
The crew emerges into a dead ship. Gravity is still functioning, as is life support but the doors are all sealed shut. Each door has to be manually opened by hacking or rewiring it.
They break into the bridge where two androids are in a state of confusion. One of them, Kranot is missing his lower torso. The other, Panda, is trying to recover internal sensor information from the computer. They had been monitoring the bridge, before blacking out for an unknown period of time. When they woke the bridge was damaged, covered with claw marks and Kranot was missing his legs.
Marvin helped Panda on the computer to find the files were corrupted and had been deleted many times. They did uncover navigation data which implied the ship was off course having left jump space five months earlier than expected with a jump drive failure.
Considering the androids to be a liability, the crew left them behind and set to looting.
The first room they uncovered was a storage facility for fusion power cells, one was still fully charged. Kryten began an abortive attempt to extract the fuel, but each rod takes fifteen minutes to safely remove so they abandoned the task.
They kept hearing skittering sounds and occasionally a loud thumping sound which tailed off deeper within the ship.
The next room was the captain's quarters. In a spartan room, the only occupant, the Captain was lying in her bed decapitated. The head couldn't be found.
Her bookcase contained:
• A Storm in Every Port
• One Crew, One Captain: The Art of Managing
• Great Space Battles of the Delta Sector
• Zen and the Art of Cyropod Maintenance
• A Collapse of Horses by Brian Evenson
• Shackleton's Ghost
• Nestor Lynch by Newton Webb
• My Life in Words, Jordan Price
• Diamond Dogs by Alastair Reynolds
Most importantly, they found her journal detailing an artefact they found on the moon in the Rhondi Sector. Her last entry from a week ago records a strange dream where she clipped her nails and kept clipping them. She couldn't stop. Not even when she could see exposed bone amongst the spraying blood.
Hudson, starting to panic started to hallucinate.
They found the crew chiefs quarters next, the walls continued to resonate with the sound of skittering legs. Crew Chief Kaul's neck has been snapped. The mirror in his cabin was covered with a dirty shirt. His storage locker contained a lavish chess set, three tarot cards all Death and a colourful set of bone dice.
The next room was the jump drive, it had three strange aliens crawling over it, they were about a foot long, scurrying around using a prehensile proboscis. Black spines undulate in ridges down their chitinous backs. A forest of small tentacles emerged from their mouths. Panic lead Hudson to develop a major adrenaline rush, giving him greater clarity.
Before anyone could stop him, Hudson threw a frag grenade at the jump drive. It successfully killed all three aliens but tore apart the majority of the drive along with it. Ripley and Kryten attempted to salvage usable components from it but it was a mess. They did manage to ascertain that the drive core had melted down a week ago prior.
Deciding to continue looting the ship. The crew moved investigated the archaeologists quarters. The stench of decay threatened to overwhelm them. Ripley started to panic, cowardice colouring her actions as the death got too much for her.
The walls were covered with photographs and drawings of the artefact, along with notes about the crew's nightmares. Sankar, the head archaeologist lay under a pile of moist papers. His body was decomposed. The bio scanner reveals he was killed by repeated blunt force trauma to the head from it being repeatedly slammed against a solid surface.
First mate Rayik was found with his stomach torn open, his intestines spread across his bed. Hudson began to feel intense cowardice. Looting his room uncovered a locker full of combat rations, a waterproof poncho, a flare gun, an SK109 "Seeker" Smart Rifle, a floral cape and a vibrochette. Marvin repeatedly reminded everyone that vibrochette's don't work on androids.
The science lab was torn to shreds, the airlock to the room dented and gouged. Four of the aliens were scuttling about. Three of them had strange glowing green sacs pulsing on the exterior of their bodies. Inside the computers and equipment were in disarray, having been strewn around the room and commingling with the three corpses. The air vent was smashed outwards into the room.
Kryten suggested the crew capture one of the crawlers alive.
Marvin tranquillized the alien crawler without the sacs while the rest of the crew whaled on the others killing them. When the glowing crawlers died, acid spilled out and started to burn through the deck.
Hudson wanted to kill the sedated alien but was restrained by Marvin and Kryten who wanted to study the crawler. They successfully caused him to miss with his SMG.
The main cargo hold was vast and well provisioned for archaeological digs. Skeleton walkers with a mix of laser cutters and mining drills were parked next to an earthmover and a crane. Racks of picks and shovels lined the walls. Lockers held parkas, vacsuits, combat rations and magboots.
The centre of the room was dominated by a dark twisted metal statue. A steel alloy of iron, carbon, tungsten and cobalt. It depicted a grotesque being, its arms missing, but with giant horns and vertical slits for pupils. Its expression was that of disgust. Circling it were the bodies of six crewmen, kneeling around the relic with their hands or foreheads touching it. Broken pieces of a cargo crate surround it, the pieces are scattered outward as if a force blew the crate apart from the inside.
The crew found another fuel storage room, just as they opened the door. The lights dimmed and all three androids powered down and rebooted. The door opened to see eleven alien crawlers. Two of them with bulbous sacs. A huge alien scream reverberated from deeper in the ship, back where they'd come from.
When they turned to look at the statue, it had moved and the head was now looking straight at Kryten. Its expression is one of pure hatred.
Hudson quickly shut the door and Ripley tried to weld it shut. Failing that. Hudson hacked the door controls to seal it.
The next room was the crew quarters. Four corpses were lain about. One of which was stuck to the ceiling. Using the spatula function of his groinal attachment Kryten dislodged the body so it flopped onto the floor.
The alien scream sounded louder. Disconcerted the crew came up with a plan to get back to the ship while evading whatever was making the huge screaming sound. They were going to open the cargo bay doors and then spacewalk back to their ship. Hudson, the only one without a spacesuit borrowed Kryten's. Fully, equipped and ready to escape at the last minute they decided to loot just one more room before they left.
Opening an auxiliary storage bay on the far side of the cargo bay, they found three corpses stacked in the corner. Worse, it contained eleven alien crawlers. Quickly closing the door. A large alien smashed through an air vent from the science laboratory. It was emaciated, leathery, graceful and tall. A series of grasping claws protruded from its torso to its face where they became a huge gaping maw.
From down the bottom of the cargo bay, the crawlers that had been sealed off broke free and began to pour through the air vents.
The crew tried to flee towards the cargo bay doors. Hudson and Ash managed to break free but Marvin, Kryten and Ripley were too slow. Pinned down by the giant alien, they turned to fight it in melee. Ripley drew her vibrochette, Marvin wielded his stun baton and Krytens groinal attachment entered buzz saw mode.
While the others fought the large alien Ash struggled to open the cargo bay doors.
Kryten was heavily injured in the battle, the alien not only possessing a host of tentacles ending in claws appeared to have telekinetic powers, levitating Kryten and crushing his body. Eventually, the tide turned when Marvin got in a good hit with his stun baton paralysing the alien and allowing Krytens buzz saw to carve him up.
Ash, crawlers swarming all over him, managed to get the cargo bay doors open triggering explosive decompression. All the alien crawlers except one were ejected into space, along with the paralyzed large alien. The architectural equipment was also pulled clear.
Hudson sealed himself in a room to protect himself. Ripley activated her mag boots. Ash managed to cling to the wall. Marvin clung to the wall with one hand and caught Kryten with the other. After a moment the bay doors closed.
Unallocated Loot:
27 Credits
Allocated Loot:
Flare gun (Kryten)
Crawler trapped in a waterproof poncho (Kryten)
SK109 “Seeker” Smart Rifle (Hudson)
Vibrachete (Ripley)
Ammo Remaining:
2/6 Tranq's - Toby
3/5 bursts (in the current clip) - Hudson
Mental Disorders:
Hudson, Hallucinations. For the next eleven hours, you have trouble distinguishing between reality and fantasy.
Hudson, Major Adrenaline Rush. Advantage on all
rolls for the next 21 minutes.
Hudson, Cowardice, for the next six hours you must make a fear test before attacking an enemy or you must flee away from them instead.
Ripley, Cowardice, for the next three hours you must make a fear test before attacking an enemy or you must flee away from them instead.