Trash Cannon
Snow Biscuit
Dando the Mando
Kaa Slag
The crew board their old starship the FIST OF JUSTICE to infiltrate the Imperial mining operation at ILUM. The Jedi must enter the fabled mines of ILUM to find a KYBER CRYSTAL for them to create their own personal lightsabre.
Arriving at Ilum, they found a much larger fleet than expected. The mining project as part of Project Sarlacc was bigger than expected. Two Imperial Class Star Destroyers (The Violator and the Revenant) orbited the planet, the planet was heaving with thousands of shuttles flying to and from the surface to a giant orbital mining station. Eight Gladiator Class Star Destroyers flew in a combat space patrol around the station.
Using the codes (old, but still checked out) they were able to slip past the TIE Fighter screen and land on the surface. When asked why they had deviated from the agreed landing pattern Trash Cannon pleaded engine trouble, this resulted in engineers being sent out. Communications are spotty on Ilum due to the presence of so many kyber crystals. The Jedi were able to walk through a tunnel into the cave system that was walled off by a force projection. Within the cave complex, they were pulled in separate directions by the kyber crystals which called to them. Fumpa got confused and lost when trying to find his kyber crystal but eventually found it in a large cave where it was defended by his worst nightmare. A giant Carrot Daemon. Attempting to reconcile with his subconscious, the Jedi Kushiban went in for a hug and only managed to dodge out of the way just in time as the Carrot Daemon's claws tried to disembowel him. A ferocious duel commenced.
Having more luck, Kaa Slag was able to move straight into the location of his trial, a ferocious wookie hunter from his past. Using lightning and force repulse he began a long drawn out duel with the infamous predator.
Outside the engineer had arrived with a project manager. Trash Cannon was elected as a human to go out and speak with them. Having been provided with Imperial Uniforms, the crew decided they were unnecessary and that they were going to blag it. Trash Cannon went out in his full armour and despite saying he was an Imperial officer, they immediately spotted him for what he was, a fully armed and armoured Rebel Commando. A firefight ensued in which the project manager was decapitated by a headshot from Dando the Mando. Trash Cannon again attempting his famous diplomatic skills ordered the engineer to approach at gunpoint. He then explained in detail that he wanted the engineer to contact the mining base and explain that the job was going to take a bit longer and they were to leave them be. Trash Cannon repeatedly threatened him during this process. Then changing his mind, Trash Cannon took off the engineers helmet to use his integrated commlink and send the message himself only to find that the transmit button was on and everything he had been saying had been sent to the local stormtrooper garrison.
Whilst the Jedi fought their subconscious, the rest of the crew fought a delaying action against waves of Imperial Commandos and Death Troopers.
Finishing off the Carrot Daemon, Fumpa ran to assist the Slag. Finding him sat meditating, he reached out with the force empowering him and allowing him to finish off the Wookie Hunter. Both of them found their Kyber Crystals and they took the time to loot the bodies of failed padawans that were spread throughout the caves.
Loot List:
7,500 credits, slipstream knickers, piercing oscillator, projector tank - carbonite (average), glowrod, basic weapon chassis, adegan kyber crystal (regular), ostrine kyber crystal - lightning (regular), biometric safety measures, mag-lock boots, basic amplifying barrel.